May 21, 2009

Untitled (I Live in a House)
Feb 2009
Etching prints

Untitled (Smoke)
March 2009
Photo-Etching Print
(actually this is not a photograph, i guess....
but the process was similar to that of a photo-etching print?)

I'm a little bummed that I can't take any printmaking classes next year. I'm expected to graduate in 2011, I think, so I can squeeze some in possibly.. summer term of 2010?

My professor, Elaine Breiger was fantastic guidance throughout the entire semester. I have never produced anything that required such a commitment. Etching was really sophisticated and methodical, which was an EMBARRESSMENT because I'm used to my hand just giving out a little bit into any art production and so everything has a bit of a quirk, here and there.