April 25, 2010

The materials used in the construction of these soil bomb-balls are burlap, soil, egg carton, flower seeds (mexican sunflower, cosmos, snap dragon, zinnia, and others), twine, and small instructional illustration for each.  Last week, I cut 450 cups out of egg carton, making it so that I could successfully fill each of the 450 with seed and soil but unfortunately the project had to discontinue because my supply of burlap ran out!!!  I finished making about 200 and took to the streets... images from that experience will be posted later.  My idea was to give each of these small gifts to people I encounter in my community during the hours of 12-3 but my hands became emptier and emptier!  I had given 198 of the soil bomb-balls away and realized that it had only been an hour. THis project was exciting and it really lit up the streets(Sterling Place, Washington Avenue, Underhill, Classon Avenue), making strangers interact with one another.  I allowed people to take more than one if they insisted.  Something I learned while giving the bombs away, that people are truly skeptic of "free" things.  I felt that I had to clarify that I just wanted people to learn how to plant and that I want nothing to do with your credit card and your email address.

Cleanse (2010) from Andrea Solow on Vimeo.

Cleanse(2010), is a visual portrayal of a relationship with nature that encompass thoughts of ritualistic cleansing and self imposed burial.

By use of soil as a material to lather my skin, ideas about the human relationship to nature are conducted.  In most cultures, the acts of burials are demonstrated to symbolize death, to celebrate each occupant by returning it's mass to nature. 
The moon and the night sky are also present in this video.  The background my body is centered in front of indicates the celestial place of nature that I am reaching from my small terrace in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.   As my new skin consumes my body, I am unified with the sky.  As my skin virtually vanishes into the darkness of the night sky, I am unseen. I am cleansed.

April 16, 2010

close up image of cut egg carton, click on each of them for larger scale
there are exactly 450 "cups"(egg-sized)

and yes, my right thumb and index finger are completely swollen.  I'm pretty amazed that my little scissors survived...
I don't mean to be cryptic but I can't explain this image. Except that I adopted these here FIFTEEN-BULK Egg cartons off the street!  30 "cups" were cut from the egg cartons , and I used "cups" because I am having a hard time identifying that part of the egg-carton... anyway, I just really like the form they make spooning one another in a chain like this. there are 450 paper-egg-cups in total.

"These cartons have a dimpled form in which each dimple accommodates an individual egg and isolates that egg from eggs in adjacent dimples. This structure helps protect eggs against stresses exerted during transportation and storage by absorbing a lot of shock and limiting the incidents of fracture to the fragile egg shells. An egg carton can be made of various materials, including Styrofoam, clear plastic or may be manufactured from recycled paper and molded pulp by means of a mechanized Papier-mâché process." -wikipedia

 I can't believe how natural it is for me to think a thought and then if i'm even the slightest bit curious about it- without hesitation, I "google" it. Or I search for videos on whichever object I am hankering. Ohhhh internet. How I love this strange desparation to know things about "everything" but then realize I am not leaving my own 4 walls.

Making things does help though. While I go through phases of having zero ability to focus(is this, like, specifically a day time thing?), I can leave it to physical work, cutting, cooking, glueing, building, whatever, hours just SLIP by.  It's pretty spectacular.

I feel I may be inspired from this family I am living with right now.
while, no, not one of us is related, so I don't know why I used family just then.. but three of the 6 apartments in the building are home to me and nine talented artists.  Some would never accept that I call them that, because six are photographers(one of which is a mix of playwright, sculptor, painter, draftsman, actor, puppeteer director as of two days ago, chef, gardener and chemist<3), one sculptor/performance artist, two bi-trilingual collage artist/writers?
We are always in our stations buzzing about whatever chaos is striking at the moment, some of us form gangs and watch videos, cook, or talk together, some other group activities take place as well that don't need mention.
Egypt, New Jersey(Princeton, New Brunswick, and other stuff), Florida(meeeeeeeee- even though technically Brooklyn-Long Island NY is where i spent most time growing up), Puerto Rico, Massachusetts, Long Island and Upstate New York, and Maine are where we crawled from before creating a home together.  Anyway they mean a lot to me, and so does feeling like a mother . making, holding,  and looking at things. you should try it, ima get off this weird site and join my things in that other place now

April 13, 2010

charcoal drawling
this one's for my mom

she needs to see where her money went.
 should i mention her biased to figurative work?
thats not really an issue, as i like to kick it in that arena too? I don't know how I feel about it as ART but cartographical mark-making on flat surfaces or how a line can lead a life, mapping a space and falsely alluding dynamism.  Drawing is the experience of this collapsed physical space, regardless of phenomena that occurs in it, like a stage. Anyway here are some photos I took with my cell phone for you mama.

there's a gentleness
looking down versus looking up
is it found when you are lowered to the ground
tying your laces, tripping and falling
the sophistication and treasures of the small child
buried in the bubble gum cigarette butt fossils

April 04, 2010


 no i'm not finished with you yet, dear chil'en.

pokes in roof top

garlic net